Garbi Academy 1 - Pixil Saga

Expected to launch in 2 weeks when stake launch

PixilSaga and GarbiProtocol share a common goal but serve different purposes. Pixil Saga blends Blockchain and GameFi to offer a fun DeFi experience for gamers, while Garbi is an accessible DeFi platform empowering users with decentralized finance solutions.

Phase 1 - Pixil Saga

  • Quiz2Earn

  • Answer daily questions to earn points, continue to farm NFTs to earn points, and min enough to withdraw and receive veGRB

  • Max Level 3 NFT Upgrade using Points

Close beta will launch this month (April 2023). Participants in Close beta will receive veGRB, which can be converted to GRB when PixilSaga Open beta

Phase 2 - Coming

Last updated